This direct solar powered exhaust fan moves big air!
Virtually indestructible variable speed brushless motor.
Runs directly off the sun during the day, no batteries needed.
7 in stock
Good off-grid solution
10 in stock
Fresh air intake shutter.
Shutter typically stays closed keeping your greenhouse warm.
When the exhaust fan turns on, negative pressure is created therefor opening shutters and bringing in fresh air.
Light traps also known as breathable walls. 24, 40", 48" and 55" available. Both assembled and non assembled for shipping ease. Call us to order.
110/220vac J&D exhaust fan with shutter. 42" rough opening, 10,500CFM.
The air blower inflation kit uses a blower fan to push air between two layers of greenhouse plastic. This improves insulation efficiency and reduces condensation inside of the greenhouse. We don't recommend using this kit with our external frame blackout kits but functions great with internal frames and standard greenhouses. 110VAC, 0.42 amps.
Includes 60 cm blower, exhaust air deflector, and mounting bracket, 48" inlet air hose, inlet damper/air regulator
Solar powered greenhouse exhaust fan. 40" and 48" with shutter. Brushless, variable speed DC motor allows for ultra-quiet, smooth operation. Can be powered directly from solar panels, a battery, a normal household outlet, or a combination of both. Prioritizes solar, supplements with ac grid power. 110/220/vac 4/2 amps. When considering an electricity bill, this fan can pay itself off within one year!